Is French Village a state or Federal owned Institution?

French Village is a Federal Government owned tertiary institution established in 1991 and operating within the ambit of the National Universities Commission (NUC)

      Does the Village run degree or NCE programmes?

The French Village does not run direct degree or NCE programmes. The French Village offers Language Immersion Programme (LIP) for all university undergraduates of French in their third year and all NCE students of French in their second year. The students must spend the compulsory period in the French Village as part of the condition to be fulfilled to obtain their bachelor’s degrees and NCE certificates in French.

·        How long does it take to study in French Village?

The French Village runs programmes ranging from three months to one year. The Residential Certificate Programme is run in modules of three months per level. For beginners, Intermediate I and Intermediate II learners. The diploma programme is one academic session divided into three (3) semesters plus project writing. There are also short-term customised programmes of one to four weeks duration for executive learners and professionals.

·        Apart from Universities and Colleges of Education undergraduates, can individuals be admitted to study in the French Village?

French Village has courses for all categories of youth and adult learners irrespective of age and educational background. The diploma programme  runs for one year and it allows participants to either gain direct entry admission into the University or just acquire French for professional or private use. The Village also runs a residential certificate programme in modules of three months. Participants can start the programme any time of the year. The first batch starts in January, then April and the last batch in August. All these programmes are opened to the public irrespective of age, creed or gender.

 Are there programmes for primary and secondary school pupils/students?

The summer and Easter holiday camps are organised annually to encourage primary school pupils of 9 years and above and secondary school students to develop interest in and learn the French Language.

The summer camp holds in Badagry every August while the Easter holiday camp holds outside the Country, either in Benin Republic or Togo between March and April every year.

·        Can I register my child directly for the summer or Easter holiday camp?

Individuals can register their children for the camp directly, although schools are encouraged to register as a group.

·        Are there hostel accommodation on Campus?

The French Village programmes are fully residential. The Village has enough hostel accommodation for all participants. There is also an executive hostel for adults who may not cope with the general hostel facilities.

·        What courses can adult professionals benefit from?

There are different courses in French for all categories of professionals. For further enquiries please contact the French Village Consult on 08023520105 or 08039529736.

·        When can I register for the certificate programmes?

Certificate programmes run in modules of 3 months. You can begin any module either in January, April or August. For further enquiries please visit our website or contact the French Village Consult on 08023520105 or 08039529736.

·        How affordable are the courses?

French Village charges moderate fees for all programmes.

·        What are the conditions of service for staff of the French Village?

    The NFLV conditions of service are the same obtainable in Federal Universities

Must one be a graduate of French to work in the French Village?

There are certain cadres reserved for applicants with a minimum of Master’s degree, Bachelors degree or NCE in French. These include Academic staff, Administrative Officers, House Keepers and Library staff. Knowledge of French is however an added advantage for applicants seeking employment into all other cadres. Once employed, a staff who is not French literate is expected to acquire proficiency in French before his/her promotion.